2011-06-27 - [GRASE-Hotspot] something that can be useful, bandwidth

Header Data

From: “Antonio Alessio "dikdust" Di Pinto” <di***t@adfacom.it>
Message Hash: 46335d333c5f9a1bbf3a70e31fbb03665f0cb48f452baaba75174e5bb318fe68
Message ID: <4E0893CD.8010304@adfacom.it>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2011-06-27 07:29:33 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 16:29:33 +0200

Raw message


I' m testing this hotspot in a social no profit organization and thus I' 
m sharing my bandwidth but I need some limits for the guest. Not sure 
this is the right place where to post this, anyway I have made some 
changes to the squid.conf.grace

delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 1
# This defines the delay pool number 1 is a class1 type delay pool
delay_parameters 1 1000000/100000
#This is delay parameter for pool number 1 which has the restore rate of 
1000000 when the usage hits 100000 bytes
delay_access 1 allow localnet
# This is the access tag which tie to the acl localnet

Maybe some traffic shaping is needed for this solution (squid can 
accomplish the goal but I guess tc is better).

Thanks for this, I love it and sorry for my e n g l i s h, if help is 
needed for the italian translation I'm here. Don't have much time but I 
want to help :)


Antonio Alessio "dikdust" Di Pinto


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