2011-08-29 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] #22: Feature Request : Add real time transfert speed and average speed

Header Data

From: GRASE Trac <tr***c@grasehotspot.org>
Message Hash: 12ab6dfa77f8aeb0ea9040bc9a25ab9ac02cb5fae48362b4fc4765726cc7927b
Message ID: <058.c375c5cf0995ccde44f8329f432dba72@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <043.419cff91d1a64ce53432d74249f776d9@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2011-08-29 05:54:47 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:54:47 -0000

Raw message

#22: Feature Request : Add real time transfert speed and average speed
  Reporter:  Evils_1          |       Owner:  tim
      Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  new
  Priority:  minor            |   Milestone:     
 Component:  Admin Interface  |     Version:  3.4
Resolution:                   |    Keywords:     

Comment (by Evils_1):

 At least average speed should be OK because if we got 200 users spot and a
 user in the 200 keep downloading with average speed we can see who is
 always eating the speed maybe a user with torrent always active etc...

Ticket URL: <http://trac.grasehotspot.org/ticket/22#comment:2>
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