2011-09-25 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] pointtopoint dev tun1?

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ac4d12a5097f03cbc6ca4dff6b30972e13d17d56254fdcc746deed05b6bc6f37
Message ID: <4E7FEADE.4000100@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAHc2qRQ2K=GhkUZv++yh-gAerQnLBjOckzAhAveCT19GQywJMQ@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2011-09-25 20:00:46 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 13:00:46 +1000

Raw message

On 16/09/11 16:30, Stephan Stein wrote:
> After update the " libjs-codemirror_2.13-2_all.deb" 
> and "grase-www-portal_3.5_all.deb" i get an additional tun1!
> In syslog I found some inforamtions about this virtual interface! Its 
> for pointtopoint connections!
> - Do i need this tun1?
> - How can i disable it?

The way Coova Chilli works with the captive portal, is that it puts the 
network interface into promiscuous mode and all traffic is directed from 
that through coova chilli, then out of the tun interface.

There is also the grase-conf-openvpn package which creates a tun 
inteface for the vpn connection back to the grasehotspot.org server. 
This is used for remote assistance if required.

For the hotspot to work, you need at least the tun interface created by 
coova chilli. The other can be disabled by uninstalling the 
grase-conf-openvpn package.

