2011-10-11 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Hello all! and some questions :-)

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From: “Pollington, Glyn” <Gl***n@hp.com>
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UTC Datetime: 2011-10-11 05:15:58 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 12:15:58 +0000

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Hi Tim

Thanks for the faster response!  After I posted that email, I restarted the server (having tried restarting chilli etc) and hey presto:)

Had a great time playing with it and am now currently installing it again on my even older Compaq evo m300 (as I am likely to give it away, I'm interested to see if it can cope - the main limit will be the bandwidth between the AP and 100Mb port anyway.

I have to say this product is fantastic and a donation will be coming your way real soon.  After fiddling with easyhotspot all weekend this has come really easy.  I am doing this for a local pub that doesn't just want to give out access without some control and this really fits the bill.  I'll be sure to read the archive as my plans for the proof of concept include customising the web portal.

Regards and thanks.

Glyn Pollington
Microsoft Technology Group
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From: Tim White [mailto:ti***8@gmail.com]
Sent: 11 October 2011 13:09
To: GRASE Hotspot General Discussions
Subject: Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Hello all! and some questions :-)

Hi Glyn

Even though Linux isn't your native environment, you seem to be doing well so far!

The first place to look is in /var/log/syslog for any errors related to chilli. It could be possible that the packets are arriving, but something on the server is causing problems.
The other thing to do is check that the packets are actually arriving! Do "ifconfig" take note of the packet counts (RX Packets and TX Packets) and then get your client to attempt DHCP, do ifconfig again and check that the packet counts have gone up. If the packets aren't even making it to the server, then I'd be looking at the hardware.
I normally test without a wireless access point, with a computer directly connected (or through a unmanaged switch) to the server before I put the wireless in.

The other thing to check is that your home network isn't using ip's in the range, as this will cause major problems!

The archives for the mailing list are at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=grase-hotspot which isn't the easiest archive viewer. Otherwise http://grasehotspot.org/ is the place to go. If you do find a bug, send it to the mailing list and if you can, report it at http://trac.grasehotspot.org/

>>From what you have said so far, I can't see anything obvious as to why it isn't working. You seem to have done everything correctly. (And manually setting sql/radius passwords shouldn't cause problems). I would check that you can access the http:/x.x.x.x/grase/radmin<http://x.x.x.x/grase/radmin> page from the LAN side, as this should be accessible as well. (And if there is a password problem, this might give you a clue)

As for a GUI. You can install all the standard Ubuntu/Linux packages, for example you could install ubuntu-desktop to get a full desktop environment. Depending if you want local gui or web gui will depend on what you install. I use Webmin for remote web based adminstration tools. For a gui, probably the XFCE desktop environment is a good one.

One last thought. It could be possible that the driver for the PCMCIA card doesn't allow promiscuous mode which is needed for coova-chilli. If you edit the /etc/network/interfaces file, you can change the eth0 to eth1 so that the LAN connection is via the PCMCIA card, and then the Hotspot will be via eth0. It would be worth checking that the PCMCIA card isn't the problem.

Hope that gives you something to start with.


On 11/10/11 20:21, Pollington, Glyn wrote:
Hi all

As you can see Linux is not my native environment so please forgive ignorance of such things:)

After spending some time playing with Easyhotspot and getting almost to a proof of concept readiness, but bothered by the fact the project is quite buggy and unlikely to be developed further, I heard about GRASE and decided to move over to this product.

I have completed a happy error free installation, with everything default except setting a SQL / Radius password rather than letting it create a random one and everything looks fine. But now I am stuck:

IFCONFIG reveals that eth0 is fine on my home network and browsing to its address gets me to the 'It works' page.  ETH1 shows nothing, which I expect is correct and TUN0 has /24, but there it stops.  I have that network into a simple switch / hub connected to the wifi AP and a management laptop.  Both were set for DHCP but seem not to get an address (as happened with Easyhotspot) and when I set the laptop to /24 to test I am unable to browse to with a connection time out.

So: some specific questions:
Have I done something obviously wrong
Is there  an archive of this mail list so I can study previous issues q&a etc.
Is there a FAQ?
How might a simpleton like me install a GUI on top of the server which I can fire up to understand more of the system.

My test environment details.
Home LAN with DHCP, local DNS with forwarding, default gateway is MS ISA server as firewall / proxy
Grase box: Compaq M700 laptop with D-Link PCMCIA card for ETH1
Currently wifi AP set to get dhcp address, but once I can connect to the management page I will be able to address that if necessary

Any help much appreciated.


Glyn Pollington
Microsoft Technology Group
Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0)8700 130790 (switchboard)
Fax: +44 (0)1344 361396
Mobile: +44 (0)7836 699 347
Hewlett-Packard Limited registered Office: Cain Road, Bracknell, Berks RG12 1HN
Registered No: 690597 England

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