2011-10-12 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] grase 3.6

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 5c7e1b409b287951e704118802a62f29716c6ec2c7623612fe04cb78892f0318
Message ID: <4E9582CC.9060108@gmail.com>
Reply To: <1318406987.40484.YahooMailNeo@web161619.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
UTC Datetime: 2011-10-12 05:06:36 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 22:06:36 +1000

Raw message

On 12/10/11 18:09, ????? ?????? wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> somehow when i access session, my browser (firefox) will freeze a few 
> seconds before appear a warning said some java script is not responding..
This is due to a javascript plugin that makes the table sortable. I've 
only tested it with a few hundred sessions, but obviously when you have 
lots more it'll be slower.
> and i'm thinking to make session page become more simple with adding 
> page number or scroll, the current page will list almost record, so 
> this make the session page looks too long. have any idea?
I have plenty of ideas, unfortunately how I use it and how you use it is 
different. So, I want YOUR ideas!! :-D
When I last worked on that section, I couldn't deciede if I should have 
all the sessions, and be able to sort the table (so for example, sort it 
with highest downloads at the top) so you can find what you are looking 
for, OR have it "paginated" so you can limit it to show say 50 sessions 
at a time.
By the way, if you click the username in the sessions listing, it'll 
show just the sessions for that user.
I even tested a filter plugin that would filter it live based on your 
search words.

Everything I tried worked in some scenarios, but not so well in others. 
So I need the users of Grase to tell me what works best for them! How do 
you normally use the sessions page, and how do you want to use the 
sessions page? [1]

I also want people to tell me if some features are too hidden. For 
example, clicking the session id in the sessions page will take you to 
the proxy logs for that session. Should I expose this in some other way, 

I'm more than happy for the users of Grase to tell me how it would best 
serve them!



[1] My normal scenario for the sessions page was by finding a user with 
lots of usage (in the user listing page), then click on their usage to 
take me to the sessions page for that user only, then sort the sessions 
to find the highest usage session and then go into the session to see 
the web logs
