2011-10-11 - [GRASE-Hotspot] #32: Chilli Status window doesn’t show recurring or group limits

Header Data

From: GRASE Trac <tr***c@grasehotspot.org>
Message Hash: d4fc6f7da54e70d1894d37f47f37b238434108c28a7ae85e8ed08a655e2914c0
Message ID: <039.afe862af475f82eba9f95d7162ad60bc@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2011-10-11 14:52:21 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 21:52:21 -0000

Raw message

#32: Chilli Status window doesn't show recurring or group limits
 Reporter:  tim             |       Owner:  tim
     Type:  defect          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major           |   Milestone:  3.7
Component:  Splash Screens  |     Version:  3.4
 Keywords:                  |  
 Currently the status window only shows your usage based on the users
 limits. It needs to take into account group limits, as well as recurring
 limits (i.e. you have so much left this hour).

 Group Month/Data limits are easy and will be in 3.6.1, however recurring
 limits will be harder

Ticket URL: <http://trac.grasehotspot.org/ticket/32>
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  • 2011-10-11 (Tue, 11 Oct 2011 21:52:21 -0000) - [GRASE-Hotspot] #32: Chilli Status window doesn’t show recurring or group limits - GRASE Trac <tr***c@grasehotspot.org>