2011-10-09 - [GRASE-Hotspot] login page customization

Header Data

From: Nazanin TB <na***0@yahoo.com>
Message Hash: d9bfefeb4bae1c7afb0a48155167737a1db004920d539a2836d50c395f697cd5
Message ID: <1318168447.95426.YahooMailNeo@web112017.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2011-10-09 06:54:07 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2011 06:54:07 -0700

Raw message

Hi There :

I have installed the grase hotspot successfully, but I need to customize the login page. I understand that we can do this in the administrator acoount , but what i need is to change the username, password box , I need to change it to another language and also change the place, can someone please tell me where is the file exactly , I have serached for it in the www directory but was not succesfull to change the username password boxes and their names .

many thanks
