2011-10-09 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Chilli problem on restart

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: e580822cf96e589aa14f6fbca075776f68d743c7b629cc23aeb2791de60a4664
Message ID: <4E915162.3040308@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CA+aJHHoP35ossAJpFxX-BFq2rDBh0d65AvdMPa9iE_vzY7VuKw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2011-10-09 00:46:42 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2011 17:46:42 +1000

Raw message

On 8/10/11 11:30 PM, Rocco Fusella wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a problem with CHILLI when I restart my server. In fact, after 
> a reboot if I check with ifconfig does not start the TUN network 
> interface and are forced to start from SHELL.
> What is the problem? How can I fix it?
> Thanks to all.
Hi Rocco
It's possible that the network interfaces aren't being available at the 
time that the coova-chilli startup script is running. If you look in 
/etc/chilli/config you'll see some lines like this:

# HS_WANIF=eth0            # WAN Interface toward the Internet
#HS_LANIF=eth1             # Subscriber Interface for client devices
HS_LANIF=$(cat /proc/net/dev|grep -o eth.|grep -v $(route -n|grep 
'^'|head -n1|awk '{print $8}') | sort| head -n1)        # 
Dynamically get unused network interface for LAN side

If you comment out the last HS_LANIF line, and uncomment the HS_WANIF 
and HS_LANIF lines above it and set them to appropriate valus for your 
setup, reboot and see if it works then. If it still doesn't work then we 
need to find out why your network cards aren't available.

Check in /var/log/syslog for chilli error messages when starting up.

