2011-12-07 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] How data limit is apply ?

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 241b5b682d1cb25555142fc142bda2043c6a1cd17abdb024d7d5df615d837155
Message ID: <4EDFE06D.9050907@gmail.com>
Reply To: <018e01ccb4e8$f7f1c0d0$e7d54270$@ca>
UTC Datetime: 2011-12-07 14:53:49 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2011 05:53:49 +0800

Raw message

On 07/12/11 22:03, ABC Informatique (Dave) wrote:
> Hi my isp limit our connection now so i need to put data transfert to 
> users i want to know if the data limit we put to each user is reset 
> each month ? Also you will need to put custom limit to group we cant 
> choose the number of megs.  If the data transfert limit is not apply 
> by month can it be an option ?

Currently the data limit you are seeing in the new user page is applied 
"for ever" and never resets. If you want your users to have "100Mbs a 
month" for example, you need to create a group that has the recurring 
data limit of 100Mbs monthly.
I'll be working on the code soon to allow you to specify any value in 
the limit drop down boxes.

