2012-01-27 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Bandwidth Limit Reached Issue

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 1aebd93112a528f81e0f39b192fc5a133c14bed4a59ff2c774350ab06747db9e
Message ID: <4F22522A.4090307@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAJ+gHQr1XYHY59M1_AoZPY139cmiA3jqZDecE3rb8ZsG1gov9A@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-01-27 00:28:42 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 17:28:42 +1000

Raw message

On 27/01/12 15:58, David Hansen wrote:
> >From time to time
> i am having issues with adding data to a user.
> I have a group with no data limit.
> Lets call this group A and has a time limit of +1 Month
> Now user 1 has no limits. except bandwidth speed
> i allocate to them 3gb of data. and 2 or 3 weeks pass and they request 
> another 3 gb
> now the time limit is expanded for another +1 Month and Data has 
> extended to 6Gb
> problem is a 1week later they reach 3gb of the original limit and they 
> receive Data limit Reached
> Even adding more data to the user ie 2gig they still recieve the error.
> Is there something wrong or a known issue ?
It sounds like it may be a 32bit/64bit issue. I thought this was fixed, 
but haven't  been able to reproduce it on my side.
Are you able to give me access to your database backups?
Grab me a current dump from  /var/backups/grase/database/ as well as one 
a month old.


(don't post the dumps to list as they contain passwords, email it off list)
