2012-01-24 - [GRASE-Hotspot] squid / dansguardian

Header Data

From: Oscar Saiz <os***z@telefonica.net>
Message Hash: 29835a36be156d2cd091ad3568a0e88bd60f80e60828095ccdea3f0e37ab6aab
Message ID: <1A95CB5132AE4755A40AC43AD66F9923@PC>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-01-24 12:28:52 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:28:52 +0100

Raw message

I’m configuring squid in my server. I’ve added some things to squid.conf.grase like the block list sites (porn) but I think that there are hundred and hundred of sites. I’ve filtered by words too but it could be so hard. And I couldn't filter p2p.
Then I've looked on the Internet that there is a plugin for squid called dansguardian and there are blacklist for dansguardian (http://urlblacklist.com/).
My question is if I can install it or If I could have problems.
I say that because I've installed grase hotspot in Debian and perhaps if I install Dansguardian some components could don't work.

Any advice?
