2012-01-12 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] About configuration

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: b76cf4264f6325133399c2ddf0a0b59553927012fe2c9915cc59d36bc2a3c28e
Message ID: <4F0F4300.40508@gmail.com>
Reply To: <349144DEAF454F928A852F94966B4F70@PC>
UTC Datetime: 2012-01-12 13:30:56 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 06:30:56 +1000

Raw message

On 09/01/12 19:53, Oscar Saiz wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> I've installed grase-hotspot and It works perfectly, but I have two 
> questions.
> Firstly, I've changed the network address (from to 
> but when I restart my server it has the address 
> Then when the server start, I do chilli restart and now I have the 
> correct address ( \ufffdSomeone could tell me why?
This is a bug to do with startup order that I'm trying to figure out. 
Can you post the results of  'ls /etc/rc2.d/'
> And the second question is that I'm trying to configure some rules for 
> squid because I don't want that some people can surfer some pages, 
> like porn, .torrent..... Then I've seen that there is a file called 
> squid3.conf.grase. I suppose that I have to add the rules here, it's 
> correct? Then the file squid3.conf isn't usefull?
When you install the hotspot, we override which config file squid3 loads 
so we don't have to worry about the file that was installed being setup 
poorly. So yes, squid3.conf isn't useful while you have the hotspot 
installed. If you fully uninstalled the hotspot later on, and still had 
squid3 then it would start to use the squid3.conf file. If there is 
enough demand, I'll add an "include" directive to the squid.grase.conf 
file so you don't need to edit that file (and risk changes being 
overwritten) but can include your own user options. (If you want this, 
just open a bug at trac.grasehotspot.org)

