2012-03-06 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Access Point setup

Header Data

From: “jurica.smolic@vilasmolic.co.uk” <ju***c@vilasmolic.co.uk>
Message Hash: d6f410e6de62a72596a81d380fa671f89b4ec830dada2e0570637ab099be2eb8
Message ID: <2002935959.75518.1331064486684.JavaMail.open-xchange@email.1and1.co.uk>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-03-06 13:08:06 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2012 20:08:06 +0000

Raw message

Hi All,

what are the steps that are needed to setup the access point.

I have a draytek adsl modem / router which has the ability to connect to
the radius server.

at present i have setup the router on the 172.xxx.xxx.xxx ip range, does
the range need to be in the range as is grase on the ubuntu

when setting up the ip address of the radius server do you use the
192.xxx.xxx.xxx ip address or

does the security of the wireless need to be open or secure?

Thanx again in advance.
