2012-04-18 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] networking issues

Header Data

From: David Hansen <sc***o@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 83229f90990821d33750763b9fadeb10044b309816a3ed3e7dfd559b63a97350
Message ID: <CAJ+gHQqQMia1YJGiGp4219hbmc-5UkxxpRbAP3iE71qy9vq-oA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-04-18 23:28:08 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 18:28:08 +1200

Raw message

Hi tim

Yes originally the Setup in interfaces was this

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

This was all that was in there

On the grase config it picked up both eth0 and eth1
 the ifconfig detailed the network cards correctly as eth0 being wan card
and eth1 being lan card
so did grase

Eth0 is connected to a Linksys AG310
receiving DHCP of a static IP Set in the router.

Eth1 was connected to a Linksys wrt54 setup with CoovaAP setup to be an
wireless access point no dhcp nothing.

In the grase status
eth1 was setup correctly as lan and was also given correct settings from
grase to forward clients to the right ip for wan access
eth0 was setup as wan and was retrieving both the dhcp from the linksys and
also from the grase. sometimes it would be the right setup  or part setup
or completely wrong setup and would alternate after refreshing page every
few minutes.

alfter setting up the interfaces to be static and setting gateway and so
forth ip for the eth0 intrface
grase would only overide the gateway on bootup
so seeing this issue i added the remove  and add gateway settings in eth0

this has so far made things work :)
