2012-05-02 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Update on Development Delays

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 930b9786604ce9d739e9b86dc05ecf69c4c4fe990c79936b9d630e64f769191e
Message ID: <4FA1B060.5020704@gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-05-02 15:08:32 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 08:08:32 +1000

Raw message

Hi All.

Just a quick update. I'm still short my computer, and will be short 
another one soon as the work laptop is being returned as I'm no longer 
working for that company. Currently, my computer usage is via my file 
server, which isn't setup for hotspot development, and until I can get 
the development environment sorted out, I can't publish new packages as 
my gpg signing keys aren't available. (I have them, but they aren't 
working properly on this machine, still to be worked out).

The biggest news, and also another delayer, is my wife finally gave 
birth to our 2nd son! So now I'm sleep deprived, and behind with my 
university studies! On top of that, we are "building" our new home on my 
in-laws block, which is taking up more time.

While all these things are delaying development, the Grase Hotspot 
project isn't dead or forgotten. I've been looking into ways to turn it 
into a business that can support development (selling "Hotspot boxes"), 
and have many features I still wish to code. I hope in the next few 
weeks, I can finally test and push the package in the dev repository 
which has some much needed fixes for everyone. It's really annoying me 
to have the package there, but not tested enough to push it, yet knowing 
it's got some really important fixes in it!
By the middle of this year, I anticipate that we'll be in our new home, 
have a lower study workload at university, and have my new computer to 
continue developing!

Also, thank you to all those who are helping reply to support requests 
both on the mailing list, and the project website. The forum/mailing 
list integration is currently working one way, and I'm going to look at 
least opening a second forum for just forum support before hopefully the 
2 way integration is enabled. This will assist users with getting better 
support, and hopefully encourage more discussions.

Hopefully that all makes sense, I did get more sleep last night that 
previous nights, but sleep deprivation is still effecting me.


