2012-07-13 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Development Update

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 5c01ab8ee11266bf6764fc6d06f35abff6eb871d806c0b9ec930ce8a8f29bf79
Message ID: <CAESLx0K4DsTVC-wyo6=ufKurfz1ckvqoWXZdokceiLvVAmrz_Q@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-07-13 15:18:52 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 08:18:52 +1000

Raw message

Thanks to everyone that made a donation towards the cost of my new
development machine. It's finally been ordered and is in transit to
arrive sometime next week!

The specs have changed a little since I got my original quote, as
hardware is constantly changing. The big change though is I splashed
out for 16Gb of ram, which should help for running multiple virtual
machines for testing purposes. In particular the testing machines will
be Windows XP, Windows 7, and Linux. As it's not a mac, I can't even
run a virtual OS X install, so Mac testing is probably going to be in
the communities hands. (I did have a Mac for a little while on loan
which was helping with mac testing). I will also be making sure I test
installs on Ubuntu 12.04 (ideally 64bit and 32bit) as well as Debian 6
(again 64bit and 32bit). However some of that testing will be limited
to testing that it installs and appears to run, I'll still be relying
on the community for long term testing and feedback. (i.e. I'm not
likely to uncover minor bugs between 64bit and 32bit in my testing,
although I'll run 64bit on my development machine, and 32bit on my
test device to hopefully find more issues).

As I've not heard any negative feed back about the latest development
version, I'll probably push it to stable this weekend, or early next
week, (probably aim for early next week to give people a chance to
manually update if they want.

I should really get a votebox for what features people want developed
next, for now I'll probably get stuck into the open bugs on trac to
see what I can knock off!

Stay tuned and hopefully by the end of next week we'll be up and running!

