2012-08-21 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Radmin wont open

Header Data

From: Tawanda Mutukwa <ta***a@whisper.co.zw>
Message Hash: a6e14f1e438c9e3331c029fae600fd4a8b65e24dd31fabdab956c6228006a9b1
Message ID: <CAK0F0kUeKXgLvhgX4wtdctE-h-2TUgCJ37NbVDvqkPsG43d-vQ@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-08-21 15:31:08 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:31:08 +0200

Raw message

Hi Guys

I installed latest version of grase hotpsot, im fairly new to linux. I
am trying to open radmin but it wont work. On my server, eth0 is my
wan link and eth1 is for my lan.if my eth0 is down but i have an AP
connected to eth1 does that affect opening the grase radmin? and also
when opening can i open from a mchine connecting through coova chilli
or from the hotspot machine.

I am also using ubuntu 10.10.

any ideas?
