2012-09-06 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] re; jquery-1.5.2.min.js:16? and also Remote Nodes

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 789a2cc8f4d52fba26621c1d117727598df89f860ea030f951b15170b4ac9c1a
Message ID: <504958E8.4090103@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAA-jMMTPOgPSX5LAeMkuoQZjW7uuYn4gL0oxqq=Zydv+=x6zUQ@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-09-06 19:16:08 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:16:08 +1000

Raw message

On 07/09/12 10:50, Bob Hunt wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I'm using Firefox 14.0.1 and yes, there are a large number of sessions 
> listed, currently 521 to 1972, so a total of 1451 sessions!  The vast 
> bulk of them are session which have been closed,  with only 8 
> currently open sessions.
> How can I limit the number of sessions shown under "Monitor Sessions" 
> or can I set it to display only "open" sessions?
Currently there isn't a way. As the sessions are archived after 2 months 
(or less depending) the list shouldn't get too long.
Can you fwd me one of your database backups (/var/backups/grase/) so I 
can load it up with a large list of sessions and try and work out of 
there is another way to prevent the scripts freezing?

Ideally, I want to have at some point an "active sessions" page separate 
from the monitor sessions page (and rename the monitor sessions to 
something like "Session history"). I can probably make it show only the 
sessions from the last X days with a button to show them all.

> I'm also looking forward to it being "possible to have master and 
> slave nodes", as you mentioned in another thread. I presume that this 
> is ticket #56 and that that it entails running the coova-chilli 
> access-controller on a remote router/machine  and having it access 
> grase/freeradius via the wan. Is that right? Would you be able to 
> explain the changes needed in any more detail?

Ideally it would mean a master node running Freeradius, MySQL and 
possibly the webserver. Then the slave nodes (which could be on the same 
machine if the master is going to also be a "slave") would run just 
Coova Chilli. We currently use Squid for caching and logging, but in 
this situation we can't determin if the master node and slaves are on 
the same network (and hence all network traffic through the master node 
would be ok), or if they are on different networks. We'd probably have 
squid as an optional on the slaves, and you would loose the logging 
ability for what websites have been accessed.

I'm also, in relation to this, looking at offering a cloud services 
based system, so the "slave nodes" would have just Coova Chilli (and 
optionally squid) and I'd run the rest on a server in the "cloud". This 
would allow using cheaper "Access points" that have small embedded 
systems. It would be for a small monthly fee, but could work out a 
better option for lots of places.

