2012-12-18 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Captive portal for multi-tennant customers

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From: Clement Kumah <cl***h@gamma-hosting.com>
Message Hash: 2f9a2e3203ef4fadb76d1e2f5dd28af927b87860afa38270fb56df9e5747fb4d
Message ID: <CAMcAyiuHoLjFou6+3+YTQ+A8xqHvpAVefc+vtfFY8ybdxxW0yA@mail.gmail.com>
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UTC Datetime: 2012-12-18 09:09:44 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 16:09:44 +0000

Raw message


I've installed and played around with Grase software and was wondering if
anyone on this list can help with the following customisation request. I
have a very small budget for the right person.

1. One time registration process based on MAC address. Once a user
registers they are then automatically auth'd based on MAC authentication.
I'm planning on selling to multiple customers and I want each user to auto
login once they walk into our wifi enabled hotspot

2. Be abel to support multiple customers who may have one or 100 venue
location, each showing the same welcome / landing page. Each hotspot will
use an access points with UAM support and connect to the remote captive
portal (hosted at a data centre) via IPSEC/L2TP or OPEN VPN.

3. Each customer to have their own branded registration page and individual
welcome page for advertisement purposes

4. Provide three levels of report based on package selection. bronze,
silver and gold as an example.

As well as costings, I'm also interested in how long this would take to

I look forward to your quick response

Kind Regards,
