2012-12-30 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] (REpeater/wds) SOLVED

Header Data

From: Santiago Berniz <sb***z@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 43f088199685f163ff458d00a8cfc013ec37efa3cc22ba1b99e7ee21b8bb45e1
Message ID: <CA+9ZPKrUUk=cU6JFXkzttWZmRFC=DcaKB8L4qCdjd-8613x4w@mail.gmail.com>
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UTC Datetime: 2012-12-30 21:17:10 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 23:17:10 -0500

Raw message

Thanks to everyone for their help. I finally manage to work the system in
wds (for now) (thanks bob for the tips). I do want to make a mesh later on,
but i have to read more on that. I might have to do couple more testing,
but was wondering why repeaters wouldn't work on grase. and would work on
any other setup. In one on my testting i used a dd-wrt router as an AP
onnly, and found the same problem, even though it was in AP mode only still
wouldn't work. Although i did not do extensive testing. I found that router
was giving an ip to the server. Also, I decided to use the dd-wrt as wds
client/ap and assigned 1 static route to the Server and for now seems to be

So this is my working setup (So FAR) for anyone that might run into similar
problems this might be helpful
1. Main Access Point Encore 3 in 1 ENCORE ENXWI-1AN45 Setup as AP+WDS with
DD-wrt router mac on wds
2. Extension (dd-wrt router) wrt160n, wds mac of the encore extender
ap mode, bridged,
both with same channel and wifi ssid
DD-wrt router contain static route to server
Wan option disabled, dhcp server disable, dnsmasq (on ddwrt) disabled. and
firewalld isable on dd-wrt.

This setup works for now, tomorrow would try using the dd-wrt as access
point and extender as secondary as was my first intention, and i will let
you know.
