2012-12-21 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Repeater Problem (Updated)

Header Data

From: Santiago Berniz <sb***z@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ac4da43e1f4911a26cd5a3c12d631daab10b8437cf3f697e217b6b3dd321c859
Message ID: <CA+9ZPKowBQdd8OeNo7NO+3h8iCt7ZhENFxvpsF-eRMmVewECjA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-12-21 19:05:09 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 21:05:09 -0500

Raw message

Do not Know why, but I think i'm track Here.. I used my new 3 in one as
access point and an old repeater as 'repeater" seems to work so far... Next
step will install dd-wrt on old router to see if i can use old router as an
AP... and may be test the repeater again... Dont ' know why the router in
bridge mode or dhcp disabled does not let me do it... will continue to see
more debugging.. Another thing i saw, i kept getting as my lan ip
address when i had the repeater connected to the ethernet port (using it as
client bridge) ...
