2013-01-11 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] problem

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 27a6f27882568493e6fcfa3a7d424effeb8e36d83439af2379475997ade94197
Message ID: <50F07C1E.7020005@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAPz6xh5o9PGbqPrX4QdzpFE_Th7ByvOsvcsLd8SiL=wiGqEGGA@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-01-11 13:54:54 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 06:54:54 +1000

Raw message

On 12/01/13 02:06, Tomas213 wrote:
> The problem seems to be in the local.conf file in the /etc/chilly folder.
> You have to set values on
> dhcpstart
> dhcpend
> i had it like this :
> dhcpstart 200
> dhcpend 250
> Everything seems to works fine.

Ah. It seems the bug fix wasn't actually a fix, it was correct before 
the bugfix! *facepalm*
In the interface, the dhcpstart and end are just the last parts of the 
ip address, not the whole ip address.
> On the Coova Chilli section, on the "DHCP Start" ( and 
> "DHCP End" ( , i add the range i want, i save but when i 
> get into the page, the IP range is without dots : 1010200 and 1010250
Instead of and in the interface, you should just 
have 200 and 250. (Hence the removal of the dots, because it expects and 
int not an ip address).

I've reversed the "bug fix" and pushed to the repository, which 
should in essence be identical to except with some extra text in 
the descriptions of those 2 fields.

Please test and let me know.

