2013-01-11 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Help witht he Chilli_query command

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 7bbb51dbb43aa0b3bf9e320e6848680df6e85de81ad599fac25bf77702080238
Message ID: <50F07D16.7030208@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CA+9ZPKqZ+pU6mJVdcP_8d1a9js8nr2pFyW6pg+pk4DrGMdTSNw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-01-11 13:59:02 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 06:59:02 +1000

Raw message

On 06/01/13 15:42, Santiago Berniz wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
>    I'm trying to use the chillI_query command to monitor sessions 
> because i suspect there coudl be some leak in the system where someone 
> might be using the hotspot without authorization. does anyone know how 
> to use it in that manner?? when i do the chilli_query list some of it 
> I understand and i can check it but some results i do not understand 
> for example the 0/0 and all other numbers at the end, what do they 
> mean, since on the documentation it does not explain much.. Below is 
> an example witht he listmac command
> sudo chilli_query listmac  00-14-a5-6c-47-71
> 00-14-A5-6C-47-71 dnat 50e8de4400000007 0 
> 00-14-A5-6C-47-71 0/0 0/600 0/0 0/0 0 0 0/0 0/0 
> http://ax.init.itunes.apple.com./bag.xml?ix=4&dsid=558141442&ign-bsn=4
> thanks in advance.. I can't see username there, and neither i 
> recognize that mac address from the 'computer accounts' .. also, is 
> there a way to get the username from mac address? thanks
> Santiago

Just chilli_query list is what you probably want. Have a look on the 
coova chilli website for more details. A google should find all the 
information. Most of the 0/0 style numbers are different limits (with 0 
being no limit applied) with the limit and it's counter both visible. 
You'll probably find that the 0/600 is idle timeout, and if the first 
number in that pair hits 600, it'll disconnect as it's timed out.

