2013-01-12 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] WDS Slow

Header Data

From: Santiago Berniz <sb***z@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ae37b6378d01a46dcec5f6d81b0a2deecd5aab2ff455a9619da1c1bb7a0ddfa6
Message ID: <CA+9ZPKqp6T3kSaLwT_Tq1neEd_qY_fQofMHEzQ+tPDKbA2YU8g@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-01-12 12:23:04 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 14:23:04 -0500

Raw message

> Hi Drezen,

the distance between the AP is approx 60 meters, signal strength of the one
in question is 39%, and no interference that i know of, except from the wds
themselves. which need same channel anyway? or at least that's what i read.
noise level is -92 signal is -62 tx and rx rate are not available, I guess
because is a broadcom chip?.. Ground is not horizontal, neither are at the
same level. However, i was asking because when checking speed direcctly
with computer i can get up to 20mbps, and sometimes slower is 15mbps,
however, w/ wds, which i would expect from 7 to 10mbps, or at lowest 5, it
always go down to 3mbps. that's why i ws wondering if something was wrong..
Hope that info helps
