2013-01-09 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] wds slow help and internet not reachiing maximum bandwidth

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: fdb54e5f339d44cb217cce63d35ec16d5fc3d09c675dc3fc1fa3d340ad36f763
Message ID: <50EE0E3D.9090306@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CA+9ZPKpaiB25Wk_y9zTwR+HgpV3hJ3V7bz5HbnHBD_zc-XLAVA@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-01-09 17:41:33 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 10:41:33 +1000

Raw message

On 10/01/13 10:31, Santiago Berniz wrote:
> Hi All, I'm wondering if anyone had experience sae problem with wds 
> being slow. I have dd-wrt installed and direct conection works somehow 
> great.. at least i get about 20mbps. HOwever, I did test speed on the 
> server directly connected and it gives me only 20mbps, i have 35mbps. 
> and with a direct cable conection to the internet or router trhough 
> internet works fine. Wondering if it is something on the grase system 
> or it could just be my network card. I know is not the cable because i 
> tested with same cable on a different computer and goes to 35mbps.
> On the WDS Part, the secondary router, does not go faster than 3mbps, 
> could it be that distance between routers is affecting the speed at 
> which the signal is received? or something i got wrong? although at 
> the same distance my computer receives 14mbps over wireless.. any help 
> is appreciated.

The way WDS works, you'll always lose bandwidth.
See http://www.keenansystems.com/newug/bblog/?postid=17.
"Because you are repeating the wireless signal with only one radio on 
one channel Each WDS link cuts the available bandwidth in 1/2 and adds a 
small amount of latency."

Thats why the best way to do this is multiple access points connected to 
a switch via ethernet wires, and have them all on the same SSID but 
different channels. Roaming won't work as well as WDS, a client will 
hang on to an AP until it can no longer connect to it, even if there is 
a stronger one near it, so you can actually put the AP's further apart 
than with WDS and it'll work well.

