2013-03-23 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Grase hotspot configuration in VMware workstation

Header Data

From: vicki kumar <om***a@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 0595b10d990df41b992dffb01f29332d8b51f8c625021232e5d571c91c5b1a7e
Message ID: <CAA1C2kwRgTArSs5H0xAT2fgRDPj8pHqxsaEnFWsw5wXc82o41w@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAA1C2kxYc4Ut1Qrcj_p2yf3SOOMsrONdKrHU15ZJRrSu1SOj7A@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-03-23 09:32:21 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 22:02:21 +0530

Raw message

Finally, I got Grase configured correctly (I guess so) on VMware. But one
thing I am not able to understand is that how do I access Grase admin page
on the same PC. I mean when I am connected to an always-on static ip
internet connection, it doesn't allow access to Grase admin ip. Is Grase
admin page only accessible through second NIC(LAN) connected to other
system or PC?


On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:17 PM, vicki kumar <om***a@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
>       I am trying to setup Grase Hotspot in VMware Workstation 9 with
> Windows 7 host. I have always-on static ip type ethernet internet
> connection. I have configured VMware like this. VMnet0 is in NAT mode with
> my WAN. I don't know what to do with second NIC (VMnet2) so I kept in
> Bridged mode (right or not I don't know). I tried to keep VMnet0 in bridged
> mode but I saw that I was not being able to access internet simultaneously
> in Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04. So I changed the configuration to keep it
> into NAT mode. This is all done in VMware's Virtual Network Editor. Am I
> right in doing this? What settings are to be made Network Adapter in the
> Virtual Machine (Ubuntu in this case) Settings (The option we get by right
> clicking the virtual machine settings)? I am very new to vmware as well as
> ubuntu. Also, can you please help me know what are the minimum Ubuntu
> processes or packages required for the Grase to work properly as I want to
> reduce it's memory usage.
> Please help.
> Thanks.

om kumar
