2013-03-01 - [GRASE-Hotspot] dd-wrt as wireless router

Header Data

From: Daniel Anggrianto <da***g@yahoo.com>
Message Hash: 19d636f736f35e630abc7b4bfd5e23e394abccd390d645286655bc6a695df5cc
Message ID: <6D6DF182-E14F-45D5-9FC7-9858DB920199@yahoo.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-03-01 22:58:21 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 02 Mar 2013 00:58:21 -0500

Raw message

I follow the instruction of setting up grase hotspot. So this is the setup.
Internet > main router ( > grase server ( > client
My client is able to connect via LAN to grase server eth1 ( however when I try to put dd-wrt router to eth1. This is the setup
Grase > dd-wrt > client 
After client authenticate through the portal, any clients connected to the dd-wrt router are able to connect to the Internet. It seems that grase only authenticating the dd-wrt router. What is the correct setup for dd-wrt router?

Daniel Anggrianto
