2013-03-08 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Disable MAC token.

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From: Pablo Arango Correa <pa***o@psl.com.co>
Message Hash: cf14a5a47084677cf6bd56aaaa921c4270cc59f545d43cbcd285eec22e9f2484
Message ID: <B3927F11C872D64EAF092F537F1C37660EE1FB1F@jupiter.pslcol.com.co>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-03-08 12:05:23 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2013 19:05:23 +0000

Raw message


Guys, is it possible to disable the mac token that authenticates a user session?: E.g. This is an example URL, I need to disable the mac argument...

The situation is as follows:

I want to set grase at the WAN side of a wireless router (DLink DIR-615). But the problem is that since the mac session verification exists, when the first user authenticates through the router's wireless network the whole network gets internet access. Its verifying the router's MAC, not the client's MAC (that's how a router should work anyway...). So, can I disable this? Or do you recommend another configuration?

Thanks a lot!


Pablo Arango Correa
Ingeniero de Infraestructura IT / IT Infrastructure Engineer

Productora de Software S.A.
www.psl.com.co<http://www.psl.com.co/> / www.pslcorp.com<http://www.pslcorp.com>
Tel (+574)  3 72 20 22 ext 4121

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