2013-04-12 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] weird behaviours

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From: “Pollington, Glyn” <Gl***n@hp.com>
Message Hash: 0aedfe72d9535a6c8f80437e8ebd888eb28afea8f8866b99803582907239e57d
Message ID: <99DF9CFBA2E2D947A37658DFB2AE72BB50E6A9CD@G4W3292.americas.hpqcorp.net>
Reply To: <99DF9CFBA2E2D947A37658DFB2AE72BB50E6A81D@G4W3292.americas.hpqcorp.net>
UTC Datetime: 2013-04-12 10:02:13 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 17:02:13 +0000

Raw message

An update:

I found that all updates had stopped on the system as the /boot was full to bursting. I have now cleared that down by getting rid of a load of old kernel files and run sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade.  Now Grase is running so hopefully in a better state. But I am still not seeing clients re-directed to the log in portal, just a browser dns error.

On a side note, I have now set dhcp start and end from the GUI and can see it in the local.conf file, but my machine account clients are now getting addresses below the start address.

Hi Tim

I have temporarily removed the hotspot laptop from site, as I was sure that wifi interference was causing huge problems: most of the time the clients (in this case machine accounts e.g. my iDevice) seem to connect to the wifi network and get a valid address but connectivity is extremely flaky. With me often not even able to access the management page on the server.

Setting everything up at home, I first removed the static address from the WAN port which was necessary on site as they keep rebooting the router. I have also edited /etc/chilli/local.conf to remove a few addresses from the DHCP scope so that I can give the wireless ap a static address to make it easier to manage.  All of my previous problems have gone in that my idevices and laptop connect with their machine accounts and work fine with internet access and access to the hotspot for management both www and ssh.

But I seem now not to be getting redirected to the login page if I connect a non-registered computer to the network, I just get a page not found when attempting to go to the internet.  Can you advise on where I can start to find out what is going on with this as far as I can tell everything seems OK. The laptop had run for 169 days without reboot or issue until the customer started having issues with their router.
Glyn Pollington
