2013-04-12 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] FreeRadius Additional Conf

Header Data

From: Pablo Arango Correa <pa***o@psl.com.co>
Message Hash: 5d0e9e9a0f302e957b77502780391a4af3e0590e252451dc10dc91b3c4087e40
Message ID: <B3927F11C872D64EAF092F537F1C376616D8A191@jupiter.pslcol.com.co>
Reply To: <51675319.1080100@gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-04-12 07:20:48 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 14:20:48 +0000

Raw message

Hello Tim,

This is what I'm doing; I'm inserting into the next tables:

radreply (Values for username,attribute,op,value ), radgroupreply (values for groupname attribute op value);

for example:

TABLE: radreply
|id      |username             |attribute                | op    | value                   |
|1       |00-YY-00-ZZ-17-C6 |Framed-IP-Address | :=    |         |

TABLE: radgroupreply
|id      | groupname  | attribute                        | op    | value                   |
|1       | static          | Framed-Protocol             | :=    | PPP                     |
|2       | static          | Service-Type                  | :=    | Framed-User         |
|3       | static          | Framed-IP-Address          | :=    |         |

This is to let freeradius reserve IP addresses for certain MAC addresses. In this case the IP "" for "00-YY-00-ZZ-17-C6" from the group "static" (previously created and set through the grase GUI). It works perfectly but whenever I make further changes from the GUI like creating a new group, it overwrites the above settings.


Pablo Arango Correa
Ingeniero de Infraestructura IT / IT Infrastructure Engineer

"While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior"
- Henry C. Link

From: Tim White [mailto:ti***8@gmail.com]
Sent: jueves, 11 de abril de 2013 07:20 p.m.
To: GRASE Hotspot General Discussions
Subject: Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] FreeRadius Additional Conf

On 12/04/13 09:30, Pablo Arango Correa wrote:
Hello Guys,

I'm currently inserting some additional config values into freeradius database, but everytime I change something like group attributes through the grase web-based console, it deletes my custom entries in the database.

Is there a place where I can set this custom entries rather than inserting them directly into the database, so grase inserts them after changes?

Hi Pablo

Can you give some examples of what you are entering, and into which tables so we can understand what's happening please.


