2013-04-09 - [GRASE-Hotspot] issue: ANYIP = on (FOR STATIC IPs)

Header Data

From: Pablo Arango Correa <pa***o@psl.com.co>
Message Hash: 6007f0f7dc11c00144d43459e5d5e816e6e00bc9dc7bb367aaf052130172ae91
Message ID: <B3927F11C872D64EAF092F537F1C376616D87501@jupiter.pslcol.com.co>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-04-09 06:34:51 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 13:34:51 +0000

Raw message

Hello guys,

Still trying to make grase work with static ips on clients... Got it working by enabling this feature: HS_ANYIP and setting the HS_STATIP params, but after some tests I realized that it actually allows ANY ip to be set on the laptops, but the problem goes further, if a client comes from another WLAN, grase (chilli) lets the client keep the ip address that was given in the prior network, regardless of what my HS_STATIP params are. This causes squid to not filter anything, so clients could bypass it.

I have also tried applying the same iptable rules from the /chilli.tun0.sh file, modifying it to fit my static network, It lets clients see the server, but can't reach internet.

Can you guys help me with this? Is there any known configuration that actually works? Or can you tell me what are the iptables or any other routing rules that need to be set for the static network?



Pablo Arango Correa
Ingeniero de Infraestructura IT / IT Infrastructure Engineer
Productora de Software S.A.
