2013-04-12 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Set grace on maintenance mode with page message

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ed6358aef614ae74265b3f3ae5e558d055415a95776c60c88c338cbf8d6d61d3
Message ID: <5168E240.2090707@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAPz6xh67RfJYrb878fBY556JCAduatHdzkZLnot=wzokoL-V_A@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-04-12 21:42:40 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 14:42:40 +1000

Raw message

On 12/04/13 21:32, Tomas213 wrote:
> Hello Tim
> Is there a way to set Grace on "maintenance" mode and have all users 
> locked out and display a page with a message?
> Thanks

Not currently. And I have to ask the question, why.

If you are doing "maintenance" on the Freeradius/CoovaChilli/Webserver 
parts, then nothing we do will be shown anyway. I do understand if you 
are doing maintenance on the upstream part, that you'd want your users 
to know why things are down, however due to how it makes that initial 
connection (and DNS request for the site they want, so they need to get 
the correct ip address in the DNS request so they can try and make an 
initial connection), Grase itself needs a working upstream connection to 
be able to redirect them to the captive portal.

I find that the easiest way for me to do maintenance is to turn the WiFi 
off. It seems a little hard to have a maintenance message if you are 
taking part of the system down, and if you aren't taking part of the 
system down, then everything should just be working anyway.

I'll look at a way of implementing it (please file a bug at 
trac.grasehotspot.org) however it seems like it'll only have a very 
limited usefulness.

