2013-05-16 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Email address field

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ef7d2f4731fe999b2ca57656fa8cece7bb5ef1cba4a9f42ec18c2dab440d0da1
Message ID: <5195888B.2040109@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CDE0808EBF803548968A157E73EF1A5D16C77BC065@nlvwdbacfexc01>
UTC Datetime: 2013-05-16 18:31:55 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 11:31:55 +1000

Raw message

On 15/05/13 18:08, Paul van Oijen wrote:
> Hello,
> If there will be an update to Grase it would be great if there would be an email field for new users this way we can mail users automatically.
> Not sure if that's easy as it's a radius file where I noticed all users to be in.
> This way we can ask users to change passwords on a regular basis using extra scripts. We could use the comment field but that's used in a different way already.

Hi Paul.

Just log a feature request at trac.grasehotspot.org

At this stage, it's not likely to be implemented soon, although maybe 
with the voucher purchasing system it might be. Given that most users 
are currently manually created, having an email field has little value 
as they are already known to the operator. We are also bordering on the 
line of managing users, and a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager), and 
so we need to start asking the questions, how much information do we 
want to store, and what defines a user now, is it a contact first in the 
CRM and then the contact has a voucher which has a username and 
password? Or is the username and password the contact, etc etc. Can an 
email address be duplicated or does it have to be unique?

