2013-07-26 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] ARP out of connections

Header Data

From: Drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: 9c164b2f9a8ebee4a2511f53aae2b86871658212a29467edb42f54341f6169ff
Message ID: <51F23ED3.2020207@radez.hr>
Reply To: <1374826903.78081.YahooMailBasic@web124905.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-07-26 02:18:11 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:18:11 +0200

Raw message

sounds strange that battery itself cousing problem described.
If battery was bad, and there were some even short power outage , bios 
could reset to default including date/time.

I assume that reverted date may cause conflict with radius and 
chilli/users/groups if system date/time  and other date/time data 
This also assume you entered in bios after battery change to set 
date/time. After that everything back to normal operation.

How close I could be?


On 26.7.2013 10:21, jb wrote:
> hi tim,
> busted CMOS battery..
> changed battery..everything went back to normal..
> smooth as silk..
> thanks tim
> jb
> --------------------------------------------
> On Thu, 7/25/13, Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com> wrote:
>   Subject: Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] ARP out of connections
>   To: "GRASE Hotspot General Discussions" <gr***t@lists.sourceforge.net>
>   Date: Thursday, July 25, 2013, 6:17 PM
>       On 23/07/13
>   15:48, jb wrote:
>           hi
>               tim,
>           is my server breached
>   with the error
>               below?
>           Jul 23 21:43:59 wireless
>               coova-chilli[1174]: dhcp.c: 5570: ARP: out of
>   connections
>           Jul 23
>               21:43:59 wireless coova-chilli[1174]: dhcp.c:
>   642: reached
>               max connections!
>           currently, these showed
>   up when there
>             were only 2 users connected.
>           then nobody can
>   login..the captive
>             portal page wont show up..
>           thanks tim
>       This sounds like someone is DoS you with DHCP requests.
>   In your logs
>       do you see lots of requests for DHCP?
>       There is a maxclients option that you can enable,
>   however if it's a
>       DoS that won't help and you'll need to look at
>   your network to see
>       how you can reduce it.
>       Tim
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