2013-10-31 - [GRASE-Hotspot] group blocking unblocking?

Header Data

From: Bob Hunt <bo***2@gmail.com>
Message Hash: a62a7670c8f9461eac00cbcfdec2835ec52e8e49052556e45e07cdfdcdb0b2d1
Message ID: <CAA-jMMQcjgw+QR5-sTrL-kseqUJU7KuLT7xGd_oN+LVFHQbSdA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-10-31 16:11:10 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:11:10 +1100

Raw message

Hi Daz,

I think I can see how to do (almost) what you want with your classes using

   - delete or lock any computer accounts already created for your classes
   - create a group with unlimited data and bandwidth and with simultaneous
   logins enabled
   - create a new user in this group with a unique usename/password for
   everyone in the current class to use and set the time limit to what you
   want to allow the class
   - Tell the class the username/password so they can all login using the
   same credentials and do their work for the allocated time
   - Later, when you are ready, you can edit the user to add more time

It is also possible to disconnect and manage online hotspot users, on a per
device basis, from the command line via ssh with the 'chilli_query' command
(see http://coova.org/CoovaChilli/chilli_query),.

'chilli_query list' shows all devices which have had ip addressed issued by
the hotspot, including those which are not yet authorized.

'chilli_query authorize' logs-in an  ip address (discovered with the
previous 'chilli_query list' command), or change the session parameters for
already athorized devices.

'chilli_query logout' logs-out a  device based on its mac address (also
discovered with the 'chilli_query list' command).

A bit of scripting can help make tings clearer. For example, using awk, the
following command lists the mac address ($1), IP address ($2) and username
($6) of currently authorized ($5 equals 1) users;
chilli_query list | awk ' $5 ~/1/   { print " MAC: ", $1, " IP: ", $2,"
Uname: ", $6 } '

With this info you can then (for example) disconnect individual devices
with  'chilli_query logout'.



> 1) I would like to stop or filter out a  group of mac addresses from
> getting online but be able to give them access again when I want them to do
> research.
> I would like to be able to turn their internet connection on and off from
> the admin interface?
> 2) Also is there a way to give mac addresses a friendly name that can be
> seen easily from the admin interface page,
> I always find if hard to work out who is who just by the mac address?
> On 23.10.2013 14:28, Wood, Darren wrote:
> >
> > Is there away to send up a group for my students (using their ip
> > address) that I can setup and be able to turn their internet
> > connection on and off from the admin interface?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Daz Wood
Bob Hunt
20 Clarke Street
NSW 2550

Phone/fax 61 (0)2 64942030
