2013-10-23 - [GRASE-Hotspot] group blocking unblocking?

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From: “Wood, Darren” <Da***d@theherbert.org>
Message Hash: e97c7ad711b418a4a6f7ae9eb5897bfadb5b4167488f4720055c92945ace9374
Message ID: <20140215045742.1E64D82017@localhost>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-10-23 05:28:11 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:28:11 +0000

Raw message

Is there away to send up a group for my students (using their ip address) that I can setup and be able to turn their internet connection on and off from the admin interface?

Daz Wood

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