2013-11-18 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] WAP Configuration

Header Data

From: Drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: 96863fa0c153b389ced1cda4b837a58510ba788ac58ed6f372800551916b2ab7
Message ID: <528B0329.70803@radez.hr>
Reply To: <E1ViXuo-0003Nn-DR@rmm6prod02.runbox.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-11-18 23:20:25 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:20:25 +0100

Raw message

On 19.11.2013 0:07, Chris Stebbing wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am very new to the grase hotspot and it looks like a fantastic solution for my school. I'm trying to setup a limited hotspot that will allow our students to register their BYOD devices to our network (which requires certificates etc).
> I have read through the documentation and done a trial setup etc and have most of the system setup. However, I cannot find any information on how to setup the WAP.
> I have a DLINK DSL-G604T wireless router and am wondering how do I set it up.
> 1. what network address / mask should I use for the device?
You should set it as AP and disable WAN port. You should use router's 
LAN port to connect to Grase . I don't know if that router is possible 
to set in this application at all.
You don't need to set up any address other then one already there but 
you will be not able to access to web interface of it. Or you can set /
> 2. should I turn the devices's DHCP server on or off? If on, what range of addresses should I use?
DHCP server must be off. DHCP service is provided by Grase.
> I understand that I am supposed to have the second ethernet port unconfigured before I install the grade-hotspot but am having trouble understanding how the link between the grase server and the wireless access point is configured or how it accesses the WAP.
After installing Grase, it will configure second interface itself. That 
interface is controlled by Chilli part of Grase and should set address . Here you are connecting your client network by mean of simple 
one wirelles AP or Switch and then multiple wirelles APs or even wired 
What do you mean by WAP?
Maybe you mean WEP as encription method AP. WEP is obsolete and 
everybody should use WPA WPA2 . However it is absolute not practical in 
this application. Grase doesn't have option to control WPA. I am not 
sure if any encription on WiFi side will disrupt login procedure with 
Leave it "open" .

I think that you didn't read manual carefully.
Wish you luck
Rgds. Drazen
