2013-11-20 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Computer Account Not working - Most of the time

Header Data

From: David Wilson <da***e@argyle.com.au>
Message Hash: ffb879c1b000084d519597a48375ebbdcd050996eeb04c537f46bda94b4be9c4
Message ID: <08287BF8-8FCD-49A1-B35D-8BA9AACB2D3C@argyle.com.au>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-11-20 18:10:10 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 12:10:10 +1100

Raw message


Just wondering if other have had issues with computer accounts not working reliably and if there is anything I can do to help. 

I have a Grase server with unifi access points and a unifi server behind it. 
I want the unifi server (desktop running XP) to have permanent access to the internet. 

I have added the mac address to the computer account (all caps) and initially it kept getting the grade login page. 
Then it did connect through correctly for a few days and now its gone pack to just hitting the grase login page again. 

Any ideas?
