2013-12-15 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Moving to Github

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: a3d3cdcaa548d3eb85bd08cb5d584ecdf1b55da36771434910de9addbd2720d1
Message ID: <CAESLx0+6DQi+a4GU9VgJXe_VCqY8RcKZxAmUjxtmKHTQc63XZA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <201312141615.55348.solbu@solbu.net>
UTC Datetime: 2013-12-15 12:31:05 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 05:31:05 +1000

Raw message

Hi Johnny

This dependent on the distribution. When I build my Debian packages, it
builds a source tarball then. Because they are "native" Debian packages, no
source tarbal is needed to have them included, the bzr or git repo is

As I've explained before, the packaging logic is a big part of these
packages, so I'm not going to do the work to translate this logic to
another distro. Anyone who wants to put the effort in can, and can download
a "tarball" from github.


On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Johnny Solbu <so***u@solbu.net> wrote:

> On Saturday 14. December 2013 00.07, Timothy White wrote:
> > Just a heads up. I'm migrating all the code to Github. Please look at
> > https://github.com/GraseHotspot if you want access to code, and for all
> > future patches. (If your patch isn't currently merged in, please repatch
> it
> > against git.)
> >
> > In the near future I'll start moving Trac tickets/issues to Github as
> well.
> This reminds me of something I've been wanting, but never got around to
> ask or suggest.
> There should be a source tarball for each package you distribute. Then
> it's possible to include it in various distributions, like Debian, Fedora,
> Mageia etc, which is dependent on there being source tarballs available.
> --
> Johnny A. Solbu
> web site, http://www.solbu.net
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