2014-01-24 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] DHCP gets mac addresses from my local network

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: fbf1a2763a00ba2bc87375191936250c4ca628b8d2351fe14eb6a023ed7f2da1
Message ID: <CAESLx0+4=tWS8kcbxaxEfqi_NzMP2L_Rg-W522mefVakNwP_MA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAPz6xh7BiW9A6OgfgTXu-1+7kDrnzxFH1ZLckL-RUTDtTpjfKw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-01-24 16:56:26 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:56:26 +1000

Raw message

Sounds like you are listening on the wrong interface, or having your
interfaces bridged.

Go in to the settings page, check the LAN and WAN settings are correct, and
even if they are correct HIT SAVE again, to ensure that it's correct in the
database. Then reboot.

There is a "bug" in that the settings can appear correct, but not be saved
correctly, hitting save again fixes it.


On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 3:25 AM, Tomas213 <to***3@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> I'm dealing with a problem.
> I was trying to set DHCP range on Grace and sometimes it worked, sometimes
> it didn't.
> After checking the logs i found that :
> *************************************************************************************************************
> Jan 24 19:18:51 coova-chilli[4103]: chilli.c: 5101: New DHCP request from
> MAC=E0-DB-55-12-DE-BC
> Jan 24 19:18:51 coova-chilli[4103]: chilli.c: 4989: Client
> MAC=E0-DB-55-12-DE-BC assigned IP
> Jan 24 19:18:52 coova-chilli[4103]: chilli.c: 5495: DHCP Released
> MAC=00-1D-09-7C-A0-05 IP=
> Jan 24 19:18:54 coova-chilli[4103]: chilli.c: 5101: New DHCP request from
> MAC=00-21-9B-1D-97-42
> Jan 24 19:18:54 coova-chilli[4103]: chilli.c: 4989: Client
> MAC=00-21-9B-1D-97-42 assigned IP
> Jan 24 19:18:55 coova-chilli[4103]: chilli.c: 5101: New DHCP request from
> MAC=00-1F-E2-67-8C-2E
> *************************************************************************************************************
> My logs are full of those above
> The mac addresses above are all from computers from my local network,
> eth0 is
> eth1 is my local network
> anyone else has that problem?
> Thomas
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