2014-07-27 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Nightly update grase-www-portal

Header Data

From: John Crisp <jc***p@safeandsoundit.co.uk>
Message Hash: 59188461b3f42bd4f11f5161c06793a76fe10c79887d269c7a41b1cf3ed10833
Message ID: <53D5396B.9040508@safeandsoundit.co.uk>
Reply To: <CAESLx0LRUAupBHDy_V-A6LLuCiqx6nbUZK8nfCMRJbdOh2DXrA@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-07-27 10:39:55 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:39:55 +0200

Raw message

On 27/07/14 07:53, Timothy White wrote:
> It's just URL encoded John. Removing the encoding it comes out as 
> https://github.com/GraseHotspot/grase-www-portal/compare/master@{1day}...master
> The key is master@{1day}...master
> This says to compare the branch master at 1 day ago, to the branch
> master currently. (And the branch master is the development branch)

Thanks Tim - I can see that now :-)
