2014-07-27 - (Debug) could not save configuration options! could not generate configuration (/var/run/chilli

Header Data

From: Darren Rawlings <da***s@gmail.com>
Message Hash: f68527adddb759abce26d8ea744ba0b0d09e0f2d534a8b3a17e2c99d2effa7c2
Message ID: <524491c5-5efd-4390-ace9-37e52507a9f0@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-07-27 20:31:55 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 20:31:55 -0700

Raw message

Hello, thanks for your work on this great hotspot manager. I've been 
playing around with setting static IP's and went to see what chilli was 
saying from the debug and got this error:

options.c: 573: 13 (Permission denied) could not save to 

main-opt.c: 1228: 0 (Debug) could not save configuration options!

coova-chilli[6187]: options.c: 180: could not generate configuration 
(/var/run/chilli.6187.cfg.bin), sleeping one second

Everything still seems to work ok although if I change any settings in 
/etc/chilli/config it doesn't seem to take affect. Thanks for your time.
