2014-10-08 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] How to Import CSV - shool case

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From: Dražen Žuvela <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: 1f4e1c83040c31e163e6bfd5d2ca96b30a406325d6121125e4049c9c592c9be5
Message ID: <54361F33.5040409@radez.hr>
Reply To: <CAESLx0KZcHGCeWN+HjcML7sp1oKk6DPGk3SRSd0S78TmsvXnww@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-10-08 22:37:55 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 07:37:55 +0200

Raw message

Dana 9.10.2014. 1:52, Timothy White je napisao:
> 1. School case.
>     If  you need to generate mass vouchers for school kids you can use
>     this "label/csv way", actually it is best way for that. Here we
>     assume that vouchers will have duration during the whole school
>     year, and it  would be nice if we have control of Internet use by
>     kid name. So it is necessary to enter each unique name for each
>     pupil divided in class (as group) . Quite a lot of work but there
>     is a time enough to prepare all that in advance.
>     Some mass import/export of users would help here a lot. Especially
>     when new school year starts we need to move all pupils to higher
>     class,  so group need to be changed. Some LDAP integration here
>     would help if exist.
> When you do a mass import, would you want to just import a list of 
> usernames, or usernames, passwords and comments? The rest of the 
> settings would be applied from a group at import time. I can certainly 
> look at how to do this.
Let me analyze this case.
For the first time only you need to import the most pupils (K8 e.g.)

Once a year operations:
Every next year will be necessary to import new class 1 generation for 
the first time and kick out last class 8 which is finished and live school.
Now groups. I guess that defining groups as classes would be the best 
for easy control and overall import process. Here we have to move all 
class to next class from group to group. (Option is to assign group as a 
year e.g  2014 for group which starts this year with class1 and we never 
move them until they finish last class. So we treat them as "generation 
2014" no further shift necessary but maybe less practical )

I guess that import should have following fields:
username, comment, group
Group name, group limits should be defined before importing users guess.

Password should be generated by Grase. It would be out of mind to invent 
hundreds passwords.
username will be generated as short from name and surname,
Comment field should contain full Name+Surname of pupil how one can 
recognize each.

This case should be discussed more. It all depends on who is intended to 
do all of this maintenance.
For me, there is no problem. I can import pupils directly using phpMyAdmin
I bellieve that for beginning Grase admin is the person who will doing this.


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    • 2014-10-08 (Thu, 09 Oct 2014 07:37:55 +0200) - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] How to Import CSV - shool case - Dražen Žuvela <dr***a@radez.hr>