2014-10-26 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Charging, Online selling

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From: drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: 4cb2a58d9b80de58869e58737612a8a1ed46b3cba6b226c00589c87943e624ea
Message ID: <544D4318.9010505@radez.hr>
Reply To: <CAEjYZo+mVUKkAXyoiZFMAne+xoTERHwgWRn-fp3op1f+An3h-A@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-10-26 11:53:12 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:53:12 +0100

Raw message

One year back I was also interested in online selling and charging 
customers. Something happened here in Croatia last year. Government 
introduced new law and infrastructure for realization of: every single 
cash or credit card transaction in physical shop, which normally 
printing invoice for every transaction, bill should be verified with tax 
central server, and then printed for customer. It means every single 
caffebar had to order internet connection and so called "fiscal cash 
machine" (PC or Tablet with appropriate software and certificates).
Well, tax is minor problem by selling internet access. The problem are 
numberless cafe bars with "free" internet. It become clear to all cafe 
owners that they have to offer free internet for their customers since 
they have line already, what they did. Typically they are using some 
protection and silly password like "12345". You only need to order your 
first drink in cafe or just ask for password.

Beside this, I have noticed trend in EU, free internet ("WiFi" type 
only) is spreading more and more. Probably there is more free APs now 
then payed ones.

And finally I\ufffdve read one study couple of years ago. It says that there 
is no way that anyone who is selling internet "at last mile" would ever 
make profit.
There is a lot of money spent on internet infrastructure before AP 
point. (Consider AP as last mile), so companies who did that are making 
huge profit already. Not you, not me, nor Tim.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with that fact.

I would like to hear more opinions about.

On 10/26/2014 06:38 PM, lucas oketch wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Yes it looks great, when i started using grase it was far off from 
> what we have today. It has grown into a great product that can give 
> its commercial equivalents a run for their money.
> I would be very happy Tim if you enabled the self provisioning future. 
> Back in my country i.e Kenya we have a mobile payment system which i 
> would be happy if i can intergrate the API into grase so that when a 
> visitor arrives on our website and can register for an account, be 
> issued with a temporary token that he can use to validate against his 
> payments and when the mobile payment notification arrives he can be 
> fully authorised to access the internet for the duration of the value 
> he has paid for.
> Thanks in advance,
> Lucas.
> On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com 
> <mailto:ti***8@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     When you create an Admin user, there are 3 permission levels. A
>     normal user should have the ability to just create users. Have a
>     play with that.
>     Tim
>     On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 4:39 PM, bartosz <ba***z@miklaszewski.com
>     <mailto:ba***z@miklaszewski.com>> wrote:
>         lol :) this is good :)))))
>         will test it today :)))))
>         thx Tim ! :)
>         p.s.
>         i was going to ask you, about another future :), is it
>         possible to have  grase user which will have only access to
>         - usuers
>         - new users
>         - batch users
>         - computer account
>         ?
>         i am working on one hotspot and i dont want people to have to
>         much access to settings and etc... :)
>         On Sunday, 26 October 2014 06:29:43 UTC, timwhite88 wrote:
>             You need to use the latest nightly, and currently that
>             will only allow you to have "free logins", no payment
>             processing.
>             Tim
>             On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 12:03 PM, lucas oketch
>             <lu***.@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 Thank you this is amazing. How do I enable the self
>                 provisioning feature. A new user needing service can
>                 register automatically .possibly make payment and have
>                 account activated.
>                 Thanks,
>                 Lucas.
>                 On 22 Oct 2014 02:53, "bartosz"
>                 <ba***.@miklaszewski.com> wrote:
>                     Hi!
>                     I understand that work on project like GRASE is
>                     hard, and takes so much time... Tim, big thank you
>                     for you on work you have done...
>                     Hotspot is amazing and I can only imagine how
>                     awesome will be in the future :)
>                     as advanced ticket editing will not be available
>                     any time soon... as I work on my hotspot, I
>                     decided to share with you all guys as I know
>                     how important is custom ticket editing, I was
>                     thinking about it for last year working with old
>                     GRASE...
>                     by custom editing i meant:
>                     - add logo
>                     - add custom text
>                     - maybe twitter of fb
>                     etc.
>                     at the very end I will add my final result of
>                     ticket editing...
>                     !!!! This ticket CSS editing - is for ADVANCED
>                     users only !!!!
>                     !!!! You can break GRASE if you do something wrong
>                     !!!!
>                     !!!! Do it on your own risk !!!!
>                     Lets Start !!!
>                     *Add Logo, Welcome msg, facebook and twitter
>                     links*. - to do that you have to edit file in
>                     grase from command line:
>                     |
>                     cd /usr/share/grase/www/radmin/templates
>                     sudo nano printnewtickets.tpl
>                     |
>                     as we would like to add custom fields like logo,
>                     text etc. we need to create custom div's, so edit
>                     this file above and add custom div's, in blue,
>                     original code, and in redcode ive added for: Text
>                     msg and pictures. First 2 lines will appear above
>                     username and password, and 2 bottom lines appear
>                     under.
>                     |
>                     <div class="container">
>                       <div id="cutout_tickets">
>                           {foreach from=$users_groups item=group
>                     name=grouploop key=groupid}
>                     {foreach from=$group item=user key=userid
>                     name=usersloop}
>                     <div class="cutout_ticket">
>                     <div id="welcomemsg">Wi-Fi Settings</div>
>                     <div id="logo"><img
>                     src=""></div>
>                       {if $networksettings.printSSID}
>                           <span class="ticket_item_label">{t}Wireless
>                     Network{/t}:</span>
>                           <span class='info_username
>                      last'>{$networksettings.printSSID}</span>
>                     <br/>
>                       {/if}
>                       <span class="ticket_item_label
>                     ">{t}Username{/t}:</span> <span
>                     class='info_username
>                      last'>{$user.Username}</span><br/>
>                       <span class="ticket_item_label
>                     ">{t}Password{/t}:</span> <span
>                     class='info_password
>                      last'>{$user.Password}</span><br/>
>                       {if $networksettings.printGroup}
>                           <span class="ticket_item_label ">{t}Voucher
>                     Type{/t}:</span>
>                           <span class='info_username
>                      last'>{$groupsettings.$groupid.GroupLabel}</span>
>                     <br/>
>                       {/if}
>                         {if $networksettings.printExpiry &&
>                     $user.FormatExpiration != '--'}
>                     <span class="ticket_item_label ">{t}Expiry{/t}:</span>
>                     <span class='info_expiry
>                      last'>{$user.FormatExpiration}</span>
>                     <br/>
>                         {/if}
>                     <div id="facebook"><img
>                     src=""></div>
>                     <div id="facebookmsg">/HarrysBarBistro</div>
>                     </div>
>                     {/foreach}
>                     {/foreach}
>                       </div>
>                     |
>                     *How to upload pictures..., *well... they are many
>                     ways to do that, what i did is, upload pictures to
>                     my website, and use wget to download, and then
>                     move to html folder.
>                     |
>                     sudo wget
>                     http://yourwebsite.address/picture_you_like_to_download.jpg
>                     - when its done, move to html folder so its
>                     visible by server
>                     sudo mv picture_you_like_to_download.jpg /var/www/html
>                     |
>                     as you can see above to access pictures you can
>                     go: (as
>            is a local network address and can
>                     access grase radmin from this IP
>                     Now some styling CSS, to do that just go to your
>                     admin panel, portal customization and scroooool
>                     down :) to *Ticket Printing CSS. *Ok, so we added
>                     some divs now we can edit some CSS
>                     |
>                     @import
>                     url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Condensed);/*
>                     importing some google fonts styles */
>                     @import
>                     url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald);/*
>                     importing some google fonts styles */
>                     #logo { /* as we create div id="logo" now we can
>                     style here */
>                     position: absolute;
>                     width: 130px;
>                     height: 69px;
>                     float: left;
>                     margin-left: auto;
>                     margin-right: auto;
>                     z-index: -100;
>                     margin-bottom: 10px;
>                     }
>                     #welcomemsg {/* div's msg */
>                     font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif;/* force google
>                     font */
>                     font-size: 14px;
>                     position: relative;
>                     text-align: center;
>                     font-weight: bold;
>                     padding-top: 6px;
>                     padding-bottom: 6px;
>                     font-weight: 300;
>                     -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;/* fonts looks
>                     better, smove */
>                     }
>                     #facebook {/* as my logo is big, i didnt have
>                     space to add fb */
>                     display: none;/* hide the div */
>                     position: relative;
>                     z-index: 100;
>                     top: 6px;
>                     left: 6px;
>                     float: left;
>                     }
>                     #facebookmsg {/* same as above */
>                     display: none;/* hide the div */
>                     position: relative;
>                     z-index: 100;
>                     top: 6px;
>                     left: 30px;
>                     font-size: 12px;
>                     float: left;
>                     }
>                     #cutout_tickets {
>                     height: 100px;/* ticket height */
>                     }
>                     body {
>                     line-height: 1.5;
>                         color: black;
>                     background-color : white;
>                     font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica,
>                     sans-serif;
>                     padding: 0;
>                         margin: 0;
>                     }
>                     .cutout_ticket {
>                     outline: solid 1px black;
>                         margin: 0.1cm;
>                         width: 5.9cm;
>                         height: 100px;
>                         float: left;
>                     text-align: right;
>                     font-size: 10pt;
>                     page-break-inside: avoid;
>                     }
>                     .ticket_item_label {
>                       float: left;
>                       position: relative;
>                       left: 100px;
>                     padding-right: 10px;
>                       z-index: 100;
>                       display: inline-block;
>                     text-align: left;
>                     font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif;/* google fonts
>                     as above */
>                     -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;/* makes fonts
>                     smove */
>                     }
>                     .info_username, .info_password {
>                     font-weight: bold;
>                     text-align: center;
>                     padding-right: 20px;
>                     font-size: 15px;
>                     font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif;/*
>                     google fonts as above */
>                     -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;/* makes fonts
>                     smove */
>                     }
>                     #generated {/* hide date time, etc. */
>                     display: none;
>                     }
>                     |
>                     it still needs to be change a little bit, but you
>                     can have a hint... as a result, my tickets looks
>                     like this:
>                     <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-X_mr2Gk-DJE/VEbxbHWqsyI/AAAAAAAAK0E/I6hiPzyfFWY/s1600/tickets.png>
>                     if you have any question, please msg here :)
>                     Bartosz
>                     -- 
>                     This mailing list is for the Grase Hotspot Project
>                     http://grasehotspot.org
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>                 -- 
>                 This mailing list is for the Grase Hotspot Project
>                 http://grasehotspot.org
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    • 2014-10-26 (Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:53:12 +0100) - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Charging, Online selling - drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>