2014-10-29 - pre auth

Header Data

From: Thomas Heil <he***l@terminal-consulting.de>
Message Hash: a1da4a4ff33e70721d49b996edc914d7e5112c2c34b6af85b4f4579fc277af9e
Message ID: <54518524.1020702@terminal-consulting.de>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-10-29 17:24:04 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 01:24:04 +0100

Raw message


Is there an easy way to pre auth / proxy auth a user, when I only know
about his password and mac-address?

Can we set a minimum length / complexity level for passwords?

Would it be possible to ensure that we cant produce duplicate passwords?

thanks in advice,
