2015-01-13 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Reboot Grase server from Web Management Interface

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From: NeonJohn <jg***d@neon-john.com>
Message Hash: 135108f0d9de3b71f914a7f27900de88cc670eb044068e93c8afb421da320e43
Message ID: <54B5B488.8070107@neon-john.com>
Reply To: <CAESLx0JviH=NRERd5KkpGP081=53tSK-Y-E7wrpax89qpyzYrQ@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2015-01-13 17:12:56 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:12:56 -0500

Raw message

On 01/13/2015 03:53 PM, Timothy White wrote:
> Hi Louis
> It is something that could be added. Some security considerations would be
> needed. Feel free to open a feature request at
> https://github.com/GraseHotspot/grase-www-portal/issues
> Tim


You might consider enabling Remote Desktop on your computers.  That way 
you can remotely log into your GRASE computer and operate from the 
desktop.  That includes rebooting.  That's the way I do things.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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