2015-03-13 - About WebService

Header Data

From: Ricardo Chapon <ri***n@gmail.com>
Message Hash: e5b29781ef63dee28dd698ae59caeca2f270740bebb0802730caad75963d557f
Message ID: <7ce1b3d5-84e2-4048-aa69-9bc84f915be7@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-03-13 07:49:47 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 07:49:47 -0700

Raw message

Hello Tim,

I have this needs. I need obtein the username and password that was create 
on tickets per batch, I thought it may be posible make a class of 
webservice with json to do this, sending the request from any system, web, 
mobile app, desktop app. but never can return same username and password if 
it was used, erased or expire.

I hope you can understand my poor english, Thanks and wait your answer..
