2015-04-28 - Grase hotspot without internet connection.

Header Data

From: Krishnan V R <kr***u@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 7cf9b8331bf6cce494497a22475105224b9c0e9a733a5f6d5b040e81bd560616
Message ID: <a829db0e-60a5-44db-9ee1-8cf345855029@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-04-28 22:37:43 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 22:37:43 -0700

Raw message

Hi Tim,

       Thanks for the nice user friendly software. I have installed latest 
Grase hotspot nightly build on my Ubutnu 14.04. It installs without any 

       I have local web content in the same PC where Grase hotsop is 
installed. I want the user to log-in to the captive portal using there 
devices (like iPad, Android, windows devices) and access the local web 
content. The internet connection will not be there. Please can you suggest 
me how to configure Grase hotspot to work without internet.

       Is there any software which will provide the Wi-Fi captive portal 
service but works without internet connection and supports all devices. 
Coova chilli can run without internet connection but only Android based 
devices were able to show the captive portal log-in screen. Apple devices 
are not able to show log-in screen. Apple devices try to access the below 
URLs randomly before getting authenticated.


      The string "Success" is returned from the above sites. Few people 
have simulated to send back "Success" string to apple device without 
providing the internet connection. Please refer to the below URLS. But I am 
not clear where(which file) to apply this workaround in the coova chilli 
files. Please can you direct me. Any help will be appreciated.



Thanks in advance

