2015-05-04 - User session management
Header Data
From: KIRA Ynet <ki***0@gmail.com>
Message Hash: a94a640bd84624a08d5ada0f7958bd28e75cdc014b3653e5d6f0fda36ceb9363
Message ID: <2dbdbec8-ca05-43b5-a6d3-d3ae7f9b873e@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-05-04 21:52:49 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 21:52:49 -0700
Raw message
Hello everyone.
I have a issue with grase hotspot. its not that is a real problem but the
one that causes me issue is the user session. As my user logged in with
their account and accidentally disconnected, either due to no proper logout
and sometimes because of power failure which cause the server to off then
turn on back after got current. Then, what happen is, after the server back
alive, user cant login due to still active session. This is quiet troubling
to me. is there any way for the server to reset user session when restarted
or getting end user session option on the management page.
Hope to hear from everyone soon.
Big thanks to Tim for providing such a great software.
Return to May 2015
- Return to ““Boniface M. Nyaga” <bo***a@hotmail.com>”
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- 2015-05-04 (Mon, 04 May 2015 21:52:49 -0700) - User session management - KIRA Ynet <ki***0@gmail.com>
- 2015-05-04 (Tue, 05 May 2015 08:03:38 +0300) - RE: [GRASE-Hotspot] User session management - “Boniface M. Nyaga” <bo***a@hotmail.com>
- 2015-05-05 (Tue, 05 May 2015 00:17:53 -0700) - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] User session management - KIRA Ynet <ki***0@gmail.com>
- 2015-05-04 (Tue, 05 May 2015 08:03:38 +0300) - RE: [GRASE-Hotspot] User session management - “Boniface M. Nyaga” <bo***a@hotmail.com>