2015-07-15 - Override Bandwidth Limit for Local Resources

Header Data

From: Michael Raynor <mx***1@gmail.com>
Message Hash: b2ae0798e90777a3b2a850696004dc22491c349c70887402810f98bb53db93cc
Message ID: <7391bc37-468c-44c4-89b4-7f1487428a62@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-07-15 06:01:50 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 06:01:50 -0700

Raw message

Hi All,

Just wondering if there is a way in Grase to bypass bandwidth limitations 
for a specific list of destinations where we don't want to throttle their 

We have recently set up an Apple Caching server for example, and want it 
accessible from both the Staff network (not using Grase) and from the Guest 
network (via Grase). Because it is a local resource (and sits in a separate 
routed VLAN) we don't mind if people pull large Mbps from the server, but 
we do care about the bandwidth that Guests consume out to the Internet 
(mainly the throughput, not the quota).

One option is to set an outbound NAT rule so that Guests have a separate 
Public IP to Staff, and then either have two caching servers, or two 
interfaces to the caching server (one on the guest side of Grase, and 
another in a private network). Apple would then report the IP Address of 
each respective interface depending if they are Guests of Staff and clients 
would download accordingly..... however there are a few security concerns 
with this, and having further flexibility in Grase would be nice (say we 
wanted to allow unmetered/uncapped access to a local intranet site etc)

Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

